# GET /aggregators

/aggregators requests can be called from any Quicknode endpoint enabled to use the API, and will automatically return a per-chain list of available aggregators based on the endpoint you are using in the URL


Knowing which aggregators are available for each chain not only shows you all the supported Aggregators for each chain we support, it also allows you filter, or optionally only include specific aggregators for both /quote and /swap requests via excludeAggregators, or includeAggregators

# Usage

# includeAggregators

When includeAggregators is used with /quote, it will only return responses for that particular protocol. For example, if you set includeAggregators: "Paraswap" in a /quote request, the API will only query Paraswap..

# excludeAggregators

When excludeAggregators is used with /quote, it will return responses for every aggregator other than what was specified. For example, if you set excludeAggregators: "Parswap, OpenOcean" in a /quote request, it will filter out Paraswap and OpenOcean from being queried.

# Example:


curl -X GET "https://YOUR_QUICKNODE_ENDPOINT_HERE.com/addon/688/aggregators/56"
curl -X GET "https://YOUR_BSC_QUICKNODE_ENDPOINT_HERE.com/addon/688/aggregators"


  "chainId": "56",
  "aggregators": ["Paraswap", "Kyber", "Odos", "OpenOcean", "1inch", "0x"]